Saturday 31 May 2014


2014-04-28: I woke up at about 3am and went out on deck. The only people up were a few youngsters partying. I wondered around and then went back to sleep. I awoke at about 7:20 and went and had breakfast before packing and going down to my bike after the ferry docked. There, I met Rick, an Aussie cyclist riding to Istanbul. We left the ferry together and rode to Sandvoort. We had a lap around the race track before riding South towards Leiden. The cycle paths are magnificent and most of the time, the surface is exceptional! In Leiden, we enquired about a campsite and were directed to the Koningshof campsite in Rijksburg. It was pleasant so spent the night there.
Kilometers travelled: 83.51 Total kilometers travelled: 451.7 Meters climbed: 232

2014-04-29: After a pleasant nights sleep, I bought some rolls and a yoghurt at the cafeteria on site - as expected, it was very expensive. Rick and I made our way into Rijksburg and departed company shortly after passing through the town. There, Pim asked me when I was going. He put me on the right road and went home for coffee. The ride into Den Hagen wentsmoothly along the cycle paths. I saw the VVV signs for the information centre, but ended up at the Central Station infomation kiosk. The lady gave me a basic map of the city anddirected me to the information centre. I got a map there and was charged an outragious price for something they had given to the people in front of me for free! At any rate, she showed me where the SA Embassy was. When I got there, it was closed - there hours are fro 9 to 12. A voice came over the intercom asking me what I wanted; I told her that I have come to vote on Wednesday and wanted to see where the Embassy was. She told me what I needed to bring.I then asked if they could direct me to a campsite nearby; negative. Could I use there internet to find one? No. In fact they were less than helpful; here is a citizen in need of some assistance and they basically told me to get lost! My map I got at the information centre didnt help either. I then asked someone standing on the side of the road; they were very helpful. I eventually found the campsite, although in a very roundabout way. This story for another time. So, whar should have been a rather short day ended up longer than I anticipated. At least, it was dry!
Kilometers travelled: 51.67 Total kilometers travelled: 503.3 Meters climbed: 118

2014-04-30: Voting day, at least for those outside the country. After a good nights rest, I had breakfast and took down the tent. By the time I left the campsite, it was after 9:30. It took me about 15 minutes to get to the embassy. I estimate there were about 20 people in front of me. After voting, I asked one of the embassy staff where the Croatian embassy was; he said he couldnt help me. This was the last straw; I told him I am a SA citizen in need of some assistance in a foreign country, and this is the kind of help I get! He got onto the internet and showed me where to go on my map. It didnt sound right as the street was not correct. When I went outside, I asked one of the people in the queue if they knew. They looked it up on Google and pointed me to the correct street. The Croatian embassy were very helpful, although they havent been able to say whether they can issue me with a visa directly, or whether I will have to go back to SA to apply for one - he will get back to me by Friday, as tomorrow is also a holiday in Croatia. He also showed me how to get to the Serbian embassy, which is closed until Monday. I got more assistance from a foreign embassy than my own; how is that for making one feel special! The situation is laughable if I have to go back to SA; I must admit with all the crap about getting visas, it wouldnt surprise me if I have to go back to SA! I then went back to the campsite, pitched my tent and cycle to the beach front. As it was freezing, I didnt stay there too long. Today was a short day.
Kilometers travelled: 27.81 Total kilometers travelled: 531.1 Meters climbed: 133

2014-05-01: Cyclists rule, OK. Well that seems to be the case here in Den Haag. In my opinion, they give our minibus taxis a run for their money; no, they beat the taxis hands down. Last night, I had my first experience of rain in Holland. As the embassies that I wanted to visit were closed today, I took a ride on the cycling network. I, at last, understand how the maps of the network work. Now I just wish they wouldnt hide the route signs; otherwise, I got the hang of them 98 percent of the time. I would just follow one route until I came to a nodal point and then decide on which route to take. I ended up beside a massive lake, near Zoetermeer, that had lots of entertainment on its perimeter. I had lunch there and then made my way back to the city. En route, I came across a few drawbridges across the canals. After the frustrations of the past number of days, having got to understand the workings of the system a bit better, I quite like Holland, or at least what I have seen.
Kilometers travelled: 72.94 Total kilometers travelled: 604.1 Meters climbed: 146

2014-05-02: Today was a watershed day as far as travelling in Europe is concerned. My enquiries about getting visas for the eastern european countries is proving to be almost impossible, unless I return back home; something I am not willing to do. I will therefore, have to make do with my Schengen visa and try to get to Turkey before it expires! Besides trying to get visas, I trundled around on the cycle path comtemplating my next move. The Dutch are spoilt with the network of cycle paths available to them. Once understanding how the system works, it is a pleasure using them. I stopped off at a supermarket to buy something to eat. When I was a toddler, our neighbour was a Dutch couple; they would give us as a treat, a Dutch biscuit. When I saw these at the supermarket, the memories flooded back and I could not resist buying some. They taste as good as I remember them over 50 years ago, yummy! Although today was a short day cycling, I did a fair bit of climbing.
Kilometers travelled: 47.17 Total kilometers travelled: 651.2 Meters climbed: 401

2014-05-03: After a leasurely packing up this morning, I set off in sunshine with a cold breeze blowing. I started following the city route markers and then picked up one of the national routes to Breda in the south. I followed this until Rotterdam, where it suddenly merged with the Amsterdam Brussels route. This was no train smash as I was planning to go into Belgium. Within the greater Rotterdam area, I went past the Feijnoord stadium and sports complex. I went through a traffic calming measure consisting of concrete blocks placed in the road to create a chicane - I know of a place where these wouldnt last a week! South of Rotterdam, it, the route and not the stadium, disappeared onto a ferry. The captain of the ferry told me that I was on the right path. Once back on land, I followed the route and saw a sign to a camp site - the first I had seen all day. I stopped off there after a rather longer day than originally planned.
Kilometers travelled: 72.66 Total kilometers travelled: 723.9 Meters climbed: 359

2014-05-04: I took my time packing up this morning as I wanted my tent to dry. I also wanted my battery to charge as it didnt charge yesterday as the lights were on and that took all the chatge from the dynamo. Nomsizwe had spent the night locked away in a barn, so after oiling her chain and checking other bits of her, we set off from Landhoeve camp site at about 11. I got back onto the cycle route fairly quickly and wound my way through a whole lot of windmills - I dont have to tell you what the weather was like! The route wound its way through Dordrecht after having to board another ferry. Being a Sunday, the city was quite and I noticed a couple of cycle tourist having an ice-cream at a cafe. I passed this goat sunning itself on a ramp, looking very regal indeed. After Dordrecht, the route marking changed back to that of the previous one. The countryside is still very flat and the major rises are over highways or railway lines. The route led me onto another ferry and there were the two cyclists who were having an ice-cream. Further on the route, I saw some signs to campsites. I took the first one and it has most of the amenities, except wi-fi. A little while after I arrive, the two tourers also pulled in. I was hungry, so went to the little village to look for a supermarket, only to find that it is closed on a Sunday; something to remember in future.
Kilometers travelled: 66.07 Total kilometers travelled: 790 Meters climbed: 367

2014-05-05: I woke up early, so I could get on the road early. I went to have a shower, and there was no hot water; at least, I couldn't get any. I later noticed that they have solar panels, probably explains the lack of hot water early in the morning. When I left De Knotwilg, a place I will not stay at again, I headed to Werkendam to buy some food. Amongst other things, I bought a frans broot and stuck it in the side pocket of my front pannier - true padkos. Princess, you would have liked that. On my return to the cycle path, the drawbridge over the road was up as a boat was passing. I followed the cycle route until it came to a pont crossing. Only problem, the pont only operates over weekends in May! I took the opportunity to have breakfast. As I was leaving, a cyclist, also Peter, approached the crossing; he said not to worry as he will show me a path over a bridge. He then showed me the destructive work of the beavers, some can be as large as one meter. No, Pip, stop salivating; not that kind! These are the wild, furry animals that - heres the clincher - live in rivers and build dams! When I returned to the route, I kept getting this distinct feeling that I wasnt going in the right direction. This was confirmed later on, when I re-entered Werkendam. The route takes a roundabout path to get to ones destination. A little further on, I saw a sign to Breda and decided to follow that path. In Hank, I found a very basic campsite without the frills that some of the others have and which I have no need for; however, no wi-fi!
Kilometers travelled: 68.26 Total kilometers travelled: 858.2 Meters climbed: 132

2014-05-06: I set off at about 10:30 following the cycle routes from Hank. Within a short period, I abandond the route for a more direct path to Breda. When I arrived in Breda, I started looking for a camp site. I came across a McDonalds and went in to use their wi-fi and I bought something to eat - after being on the bike for a few hours, it still didnt taste too good. After I left Mc's it started to rain. I was sheltering under a tree putting a rain cover on my bar bag when a man walking his Jack Russell told me to go and shelter at his place around the corner. Paul offered me something to drink and gave me a banana - he said it is good for the muscles. When it stopped raining, I continued on my journey. He told me to try a campsite up the road - I did, but it was out of my budget. I came across a supermarket chain that I had previously used and stopped to get some supplies. Next door was a stationery store; I went in and bought a cycle map of Flanders. Although the map was just out of where I was, it showed a campsite not far away. The assistant gave me directions how to get there; but, I was soon lost. I stopped a couple who kindly pointed me in the right direction. I found a nice campsite on the way - not the original one I was looking for - and stopped and spent the night there.
Kilometers ridden: 61.92 Total kilometers: 920.2 Meters climbed: 126

2014-05-07: Voting day in SA: may your vote be what you want it to be. I decided to have a rest day and do some washing. I then went into Breda to find a McDonalds so I could get onto the internet. I was proud of myself finding a Mc's, although a different one. On the way, it started to rain! I applied for a Turkish visa and did other necessary things online. I then went back to the campsite and didnt get lost! My washing was dry. I mapped out a route to Maastricht, the limits of my map book.
Kilometers ridden: 19.44 Total kilometers: 939.6 Meters climbed: 11

2014-05-08: I had to get onto the route, which I did rather uneventfully. It was then plain sailing following the route numbers. When I felt I was heading off in the wrong direction, I did not worry as I knew where I was going. Going through Alphen, I saw some SA flags outside the Aap Restuarant. I stopped to have a look; however, it only opened at 17:00. I decided to write a little note and leave it on the door. When I was finished, a car pulled up and a chap approached me. He was the chef, a Holland fellow; the owner was also a non-SA citizen. I continued on my route and stopped off at Ravels, in Belgium, and bought some food. It started to rain. I decided it was time to find a campsite and made a little detour to one that was marked on the map. They have wi-fi; I went into my mail and my Turkish visa has been granted; now thats the service I like! It has been raining the whole time.
Kilometers ridden: 51.3 Total kilometers: 990.9 Meters climbed:106

2014-05-09: It rained the whole night and the wind blew continuously. When I woke at 6, there was a lull in the rain. I decided to pack up early and leave the Zwartven camping site as soon as I was packed. I was on the road just after 9. En route, I passed a tank on the corner of a field; I thought what lengths do the farmers go to protect their crops? When I passed the tank,the engine was running! Shortly thereafter, I clocked up 1000 kms on the trip; a new milestone. As the sun was shining, I stopped at a bench to dry my
tent. There was a walkway, so I went up it to a birdhide. I was there about 10 minutes when 2 policemen approached me wanting to know what I was doing. Satisfied with my explanation, they left me alone. I followed the canal for many k's, with a constant headwind. I passed a wind turbine and felt like a modern day Don Quixote confronting this monster! I then left the canal and headed east to make my way towards Maastricht. I found a lovely, reasonable campsite just outside Zonhoven. En route, I was told that the hills are to come shortly! I went into the restaurant to have a cup of tea and met Sandra - she is walking from Holland, near Leiden to Lourdes in the south of France! All the best with your adventure, Sandra! You can follow her on facebook at Sandra Veldt.
Kilometers ridden: 75.84 Total kilometers: 1067 Meters climbed: 263

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