Monday 23 June 2014

Czech Republic and Slovakia

2014-06-08: The night was peaceful. I decided to have an easy day because of not having many supplies. There were 2 Scottish lads who had ridden from Brno, where I was heading for, and they said that it was a fairly easy ride there. Furthermore, the shops were open on Sundays. I decided to give it a go and see how things progressed. While loading my bike with water, the securing strap on my large Topeak bottle holder broke - this after using it for about 3 weeks! Just before the border, I found a diner out Drassenhoven open and had a breakfast of eggs and ham, delicious! The border crossing was interesting as there are still the old, deserted buildings. The first town I came to, Mikulov, I stopped to get supplies. One thing I notice, were the number of casinos. I crossed a huge lake and stopped at a bus stop for some respite from the heat and to have something to eat. After a while, I noticed a swallows nest with 4 chicks in it. Mommy kept flying in to feed them. I continued following some of the bike routes and made a few detours before entering the outskirt of Brno. I had looked at the temperature gauge on my Garmin during the day and at one point it read 42 degrees; I dont know how accurate it is, but it can't be too far off. In Brno, a cyclists asked me where I was going and he kindly offered to show me the way even though it was still another 20k's to go! We got on to a cycle path and rode a few k's, when I had a blowout on the back tyre. Inspecting the tube, I found that the fault lay with the rim tape that the cycle shop installed when they assembled my bike; I hadn't met Matt yet. With the wheel repaired, I continued along the cycle path and came across an Iron Maiden concert on the banks of the river. At about 8, I found the campsite in Brno on a lake - I don't know the name of the lake, but it is very pleasant. A long, hot and arduous day. Pedalling Pete from a lake outside Brno.
Kilometers travelled: 94.6; Total kilometers travelled: 3205; Meters climbed: 864.

2014-06-09: After yesterdays tough day, I took the day off and wondered into Brno. It is not a spectacular city; in fact it appears quite ordinary. It got very hot, so I went back to the campsite and spent the day under the cover of a hut. I prepacked before retiring as I wanted an early start. Nothing spectacular to report.
Kilometers travelled: 29.62; Total kilometers travelled: 3234; Meters climbed: 453.

2014-06-10: Up early and ready to hit the road by 7. The exit from Brno was uneventful as I followed a cycle route. I entered Rajhrad and found a cycle shop. Neither of us could speak each others language, but we communicatedby successfully. I bought 2 rim tape and he told me that he also had a Surly and is very impressed with it. I continued on the 425 road right into Breclav - I wasn't going to deviate from it as it was the most direct route to Breclav. I stopped frequently as it was extremely hot. The campsite shown on my map did not exist, so I had to backtrack about 15km's to one that did exist. I had a bit of fun at the campsite as the receptionist did not speak English, but with the help of one of the other guests, we sorted things out. I must have drunk about 6 litres of liquid today; probably not enough, considering the circumstances. Tomorrow, I should enter Slovakia.
Kilometers travelled: 99.37; Total kilometers travelled: 3334; Meters climbed: 523.

2014-06-11: Last night was hot. I was up early and packed and ready to hit the road just after 7. I left Brclav and continued towards Slovakia. Just before the border, I spent my last Krone on some fruit and something to drink. The border crossing was a non-event and I was in my 9th country! The first town I entered was Kuty and I heard music playing. Then the sound of a womans voice blaring out a message. I looked up and saw speakers on every 2 or 3 pole. The temperature was rising and I stopped frequently to drink amd eat. I stopped in Malacky to stock up with some items; it is a lot cheaper here than elsewhere in Western Europe - a direct comparison is possible as they use Euros. I stopped in Stupava for something to drink and had a salad to eat as well. At about 15:45 I continued to Bratislava where I found the Information Centre and they directed me to a campsite about 5km's away. Another hot day, with the possibility of relief tomorrow.
Kilometers travelled: 99.99; Total kilometers travelled: 3434; Meters climbed: 559.

2014-06-12: I stayed in Bratislova today and did a bit of sightseeing. I also went to enquire about extending my Turkish visa; I got some news and will have to see what happens. I rode through the old part of town; it was busy with tourists. On the way back to the campsite, I stopped off at a big shopping mall; it is as modern as any I have seen, but, not very busy. There has been a buildup of clouds, so hopefully some relief from the high temperatures is on the way.
Kilometers travelled: 25.17; Total kilometers travelled: 3459; Meters climbed: 348.

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