Monday 23 June 2014


2014-06-01: Today, was an easy day; I didn't get on the bike at all. I stayed at the Camping Pichlingersee campsite and dried my kit, and got things in order. Nothing else to report.
Kilometers travelled: 0.0; Total kilometers travelled: 2697; Meters climbed: 0.

2014-06-02: The weather was good this morning; overcast, but dry, with a slight headwind. I left the Pichlingersee campsite at about 10 and went to the local supermarket for some supplies. I have finally got the timing right regards the opening of the shops. I then headed back towards the Donau route; I had to cross a train line and struggled to find the subway. When I did, I was right on track again. There are two routes to take to Mathausen and everyone seemed to be taking the Cultural Route; I, obviously, dont have any culture as I was on the other route. Nevertheless, when I got to Mathausen, the number of cyclists on the route increased dramatically. After Au, I rode with a group of cyclists travelling from Passau to Vienna; Reinhard and I had a lovely chat that speeded up the passing of the kilometers. I've also noticed that my light flashes all the time; must be as a result of all the rain we have had. I must contact the suppliers and see what they can do. At Grein, I found a campsite on the route right next to the Donau. As it is early, I will go do some exploring. On my way out, I spotted this guy with a kiwi shirt on and started chatting to him. He is on a tour with about 50 people, but going the other way. The group is a mixed bunch, seniors and youngsters, from a variety of countries. We had a lovely chat and I wish them well - I would have liked to cycle with them for a way as they are full of fun. At the campsite are three paraplegic cyclists who are cycling from Constanta, Romania to Saint-Brévin-les-Pins, France. This is a 3000km journey that will take 2 months. Wow, what inspirational people! This is Pedalling Pete from next to the Donau river signing off until next time.
Kilometers travelled: 59.90; Total kilometers travelled: 2757; Meters climbed: 299.

2014-06-03: The night was good and I woke up early. I had a chat to Guy, who showed me a catalogue he had put together about rhe trip, Yves and Jeanette. I went and had a cup of tea and Mary came and spoke to me as well. I then went to buy some breakfast at the local supermarket and passed the group I spoke to yesterday - we wished each a safe journey and went our ways. At Grein, there was a split in the route - one staying on the bank of the Donau and the other taking a ferry to the other bank. I didnt take the ferry. The route sometimes went on the main road, which was a bit hairy at times, but, generally uneventful. At Ybbs, the routes converged on the other bank. I decided to go through the town, it was rather uninteresting, and met part of a group travelling from Passau to Vienna. We rode together until Melk, where I found a campsite. Bridgette, one of the group who spoke English, explained some of the local culture to me. There is a lovely Benedictine monestary in the old town of Melk. Pedalling Pete from alongside the Donau.
Kilometers travelled: 55.49; Total kilometers travelled: 2812; Meters climbed: 243.

2014-06-04: The morning was shrouded in mist, but as soon as the sun got its strength, the mist evaporated. I tried to get onto the internet at the campsite, but it was so slow, I gave up. There is a chart showing the various flood lines at the hotel through the ages; you can see the water mark on the building from the 2013 floods. I left Melk via the city and got onto the Donau route after some serious climbing. I traveled along looking for a place to buy some food. At Spitz, I bumped into the group from the boat. I was given another history and cultural lesson along the way. I was shown the castle ruins at Dürnstein, where Richard III was imprisoned on his return from raiding Israel. In Krems, I was shown through the old part of the city and taken to the Gothic church. The opulence inside is most impressive. I am spending the night at a campsite in Krems right on the Donau river.
Kilometers travelled: 41.9; Total kilometers travelled: 2854; Meters climbed: 235.

2014-06-05: This morning was overcast, so I packed early and was on the road by 8. I bought some breakfast on the way and was on the route in no time. I soon saw the 2000km marker on the Donau. I reached Tulln in good time and continued towards Wien. Just outside Tulln, a police helicopter was practising picking a water from the river and dropping it back into the river in a firefighting exercise. The route crossed the river; a pity as the lrft side of the river is devoid of villages. I knew there was a campsite just before Wien; as luck would have it, I was on the wrong side of the river. I caught a ferry to the other side and settled into the campsite. As it was still early, I cycled into Wien - my, what a beautiful city! some ofnthe buildings and statues are exquisite. I will be going back there tomorrow to do some more sightseeing. A good day. Pedalling Pete from near the Danube.
Kilometers travelled: 114.2; Total kilometers travelled: 2968; Meters climbed: 376.

2014-06-06: Today was a beautiful day, in many senses. The sun shone the whole day and I managed to get a lot accomplished and had a wonderful day sightseeing. As I was to meet the guys at Ciclopia at 15:00 to install my lights, I decided to do some sightseeing first. I rode along the Donau canal and then made my way into the old sector of the city and went through the Volksgarten and past Beethovens monument. I then visited Belvedere castle and wondered through the beautiful grounds. A couple were having their wedding photos taken with the castle as a backdrop! I popped into the Turkish embassy to see about extending my Turkish visa, but had to go to another building across the city. I went to Ciclopia where Stephen installed my Supernova light and The Plug charging system. Thanks to Gregor from Supernova and Stephen and Michael from Ciclopia for helping out a cyclist in a desperate situation. I didnt go to the other Turkish embassy as it was too far and getting late; will have to go elsewhere. I also clocked up 3000km's today.I have to say that Vienna must be one of the most beautiful cities in the world! Its buildings are beautiful, its people are fantastic. Thanks Vienna; pity I am not staying longer. Pedalling Pete from just outside Vienna.
Kilometers travelled: 39.27; Total kilometers travelled: 3007; Meters climbed: 377.

2014-06-07: Last night was a disaster; the couple in a tent near me fought continuously all night. Two other couples left the campsite prematurely because of it. I was up early as I wanted to go to the information office across the road to get some maps of Austria as I want to travel to the Czech Republic for a couple of days. I found out that the office only opened at 10:00. While having breakfast, I wathced a squirrel playing in a tree; he then ran along the power lines and disappeared out of view. After speaking to a couple from Perth, I left at about 9 and found a bookshop in the old quarter that had the maps I wanted. I was on my way at about 11. The temperature was in the thirties with nary a cloud in the sky. I stopped on a regular basis to have something to eat and to drink. At Ladendorf, I asked a couple about a campsite; they told me that the nearest was still about 30ks away. They also gave me a 1.5litre bottle of water; what a godsend as I was running out of water and feeling a bit dehydrated. At Mistelbach, I stopped to get supplies as tomorrow is Sunday. I was 5 minutes too late; the supermarkets close at 18:00! At 19:30, I rolled into the campsite exhausted from a long, hot and hard day. The terrain was rolling hills and the temperature was in the mid to upper thirties.
Kilometers travelled: 103.32; Total kilometers travelled: 3110; Meters climbed: 1157

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